We couldn’t do what we do without the support of these wonderful people
What a great night!
Each gig for me has been an improvement on the previous one. Once we kicked in I kind of went into autopilot playing-wise which is great 'cause it means that you know it… at last!! Great to play some new numbers... “Over You” being a highlight… if only Stiv could get the guitar harmonies right ;)
The audience was great (as usual) and included some now familiar faces and new friends to me. Most of it is a bit of a blur to be honest but I remember having a few good chats afterwards and consuming the obligatory 12 pints of lager followed by a few Jaegerbombs.
Couldn't find my way back to the hotel (as I hadn't already checked in and didn't know where it was). Got there at 4.30am. Woke up on the Monday feeling like I'd had a night out with Keith Richards!!
A big thanks to everyone who has participated and helped us along. Things are now really coming together in FM-land. There's a lot of exciting stuff to be announced soon and there'll be more gigs this year... that's what I'm looking forward to!
Photo courtesy of Noel Buckley